Fostering Connections St. Johns is excited to partner with The Kookaburra in 2020 to host the Career Readiness Academy for teens in foster learn about the job application process, basic customer skills, and financial literacy. Graduates of the program will graduate with a job skills portfolio, needed clothing and resources to seek employment, and connections to job opportunities in local restaurants and coffee shops. The Kookaburra team members will be providing the facility, class materials, and facilitation of the classes. The Kookaburra has been very supportive of Fostering Connections St. Johns and the work we are doing to support our youth in foster care. We are so excited to be partnering with them on this much needed program for our teens in foster care. Thank you to The Kookaburra for their support of our mission and work with foster families! Stay tuned for more information next month about the Career Readiness Academy! If your business or family is interested in supporting the Career Readiness Academy, please message us.
