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Fostering Connections St. Johns February 2021 Newsletter


Dear Fostering Connections St. Johns Supporters,

Thank you for your continued support. It has been a busy start to 2021! We recently expanded our services to now serve St. Johns, Putnam, Flagler, and Volusia Counties. As Fostering Connections St. Johns grows, our board membership has expanded. Our new board members bring many gifts and talents to help us fill in the gaps in services for children in care. On February 1st, we moved into our new office location at the St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce St. Augustine Office. We look forward to welcoming you at our new office soon!

Since January 1st, we have provided needed essentials for 42 children in the foster care system. The number of children in foster care continues to increase due to the Coronavirus pandemic. The needs are great. We are so thankful for our donors who have continued to give support during this time.

This week is Foster Parent Appreciation Week. We are so grateful to our local foster parents who open their hearts and home to care for local children in need of safe, loving homes.

During the month of January, we moved our monthly programming virtual due to a high number of COVID cases. Local attorney and business coach Maxine McChesney gave a presentation for students on goal setting. It was informative and helped the students start planning their goals for 2021. This month, we plan to resume in-person programming. Girls of Virtue Founder Della Sellers will be leading a Soft Skills workshop on Building Your Personal Brand for our Career Readiness Academy students. We will be hosting a combined Children and Teen Arts class in which students will be receiving and painting their own bicycle. It is going to be such a fun class for the kids! We established our textbook scholarship at St. Johns River State College and look forward to awarding scholarships this year. In our March 2021 newsletter, we will share more about our upcoming programs for 2021. We have been busy making plans for 2021 programming. In our March 2021 newsletter, we will share more about our upcoming programs for 2021.

This year, we will be hosting two fundraisers: Night of the Arts on May 1st at Fantasy Farms and Foster Friends 5K on November 6 in Nocatee. Both events are outdoors with social distancing in place. We are so excited to have Anderson Realty as Foster Friends 5K’s Presenting Sponsor! There are sponsorship opportunities for both events available included in this month's attached newsletter. t is a great opportunity to give support to Fostering Connections St. Johns and meet other Fostering Connections St. Johns supporters in the community.

Our children in foster care need your support. There is something everyone can do to support children in foster care. Donate needed essentials, sponsor an event or program, teach a soft skills class, host a Career Readiness Academy student., serve on our Advisory Council. How can you help us fill the gaps? I look forward to connecting with you!

Kind Regards,

Aubrie Simpson-Gotham

Founder & CEO

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