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Fostering Connections June 2023 Newsletter

Dear Fostering Connections Supporters,

Summer is here! It is a great time to enjoy quality time together as a family, for the kids to develop their talents at summer camp, and to make new friends through summer camp or family travels. I hope you family makes amazing memories this summer!

Here at Fostering Connections, it will be a busy summer full of educational programming and events for our families. During the month of June, we will be hosting a Career Readiness Academy session in Jacksonville, Foster/Adoptive Family Meet Ups at Ready Set Play for St. Augustine and the The Playful Family for St. Johns/Jacksonville families, and a Teen Talk at Daytona Lagoon for teens in grades 6-12 across our region. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for program updates throughout the summer and opportunities to give support through giving or volunteering.

During the month of May, Foster Care Awareness Month, we helped youth in care tell their stories through the Art for All exhibit at the St. Johns County Administration Rotunda Gallery and raised funds and awareness for Fostering Connections' educational programs at our annual Night of the Arts fundraiser. You can read a full recap of both events in this month's newsletter. Many thanks to our many sponsors, donors, and volunteers who made these events possible!

This past month, the Annie E. Casey Foundation released State and National Data on Foster Care Transitions. In 2021, only 10% of Florida teens and young adults in care received access to employment programs or vocational training. Only 7% received mentoring. These vital skills and social supports are critical in ensuring youth have the opportunities and tools to plan for their future and become economically self-sufficient.

Our youth impacted by foster care, adoption, and trauma and their families need your support Fostering Connections is working to improve these heartbreaking statistics through our educational programs for youth and their families to have the opportunities and tools they need to thrive in life. There is something everyone can do to help the youth and families we serve. How you can help? I look forward to connecting you and your family to ways to give support.

Wishing you and your family a restful and fun summer!

Kind Regards,

Aubrie Simpson-Gotham

Founder & CEO

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